
Leader's Den

This is the smallest of the caves used as dens, it only fits 2-3 cats at a time inside the cave at once.It is on the Eastern side of the Medicine cat's den and the first den you will see when you enter camp. Just outside the leader's den is a small rock that the leader stands on to give the clan news and other things.

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Medicine cat's den

It is on the North West side of camp. It is North of the Nursery. It has a very small cave inside of this cave for the Medicine cat to store their herbs in.

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Apprentice's den

It is on the Eastern side of camp, and the elder's den is north of the apprentice's den. The warrior's den is right across from the apprentice's den. It is the second biggest cave used for dens.

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Elders Den

They are the East side of camp in the smallest cave of dens. The apprentice's den is south of the Elders.

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This takes place between the Warriors den that is south of the Nursery so it is easy to protect the Nursery. The Medicine cat's den is north of the Nursery. The Nursery is on the western side of camp. It has more than enough from for kits to play in. It is the cave that has the hardest rocks so it isn't easy to break into and a small opening to the cave so there isn't big of an opening to protect.

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Warriors Den

The Warriors den is south of the Nursery, so they can protect the nursery. They are also in the cave closes to the opening of the cave so they can protect the camp. It is also on the western side of the camp. It is the biggest cave of all the caves that are used as dens.

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Rockclan Camp

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created by Snowy last post by Snowy
Aug 9, 2018 12:48:13 GMT -5
2 replies
created by Snowy last post by Snowy
Aug 9, 2018 12:21:54 GMT -5


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