
Leader's Den

This is a smaller rock then the Medicine cat's rock. It is where the leader sleeps.They also stand on top of the rock to share the clans news.

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Medicine cat's den

This is a rock inside the brambles with two different small openings inside the rock. One side is very small and a place for the medicine cat to store their herbs in. The other opening is where the medicine cat sleeps in.

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They are inside a very thick sharp thorns pointing outside the nursery as to protect it from outside. With lots of patted leaves to keep the warm in and the cold and weather from the outside out.

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Warrior's den

The western side of camp, it is some thorns and leaves as their den.

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Apprentice's den

A fallen bark that has fallen over the Bramble Thicket with an opening. Once inside it is much bigger then one would think by the opening of the fallen bark.

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Elders Den

The Elders den is in the Western side of camp, with an opening of the Bramble's root. Inside under the opening of the Bramble's root is big enough for four elders to sleep.

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Wolfclan Camp

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created by Snowy last post by Snowy
Aug 9, 2018 12:48:13 GMT -5
2 replies
created by Snowy last post by Snowy
Aug 9, 2018 12:21:54 GMT -5


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